Back to “Normal”
After the ER visit, surgery, and a few days at St Agnes Hospital, I’m almost back to my normal. That means the bacterial infection — which turned out to be Staphylococcus aureus — has cleared up. Yesterday was the first time I’ve seen the oncologist (Fresno) since I had the surgery to remove my abscess. He ran my bloodwork and checked the abscess and it’s healing. After all of that, he decided to wait another month before my next chemo infusion. There are a couple of reasons for this: Firstly, he wants my body to focus on healing the wound. Secondly, due to the wound, I am at much higher risk of secondary infections than I would be otherwise. So, he decided it would be best to wait on the chemo. He wasn’t able to speak with Dr. Ganjoo at Stanford, but put in a call. He thinks she will agree. While we both agreed that the chemo is important and neither of us likes the idea of taking a month-long break, an infection would be very dangerous for me. All things considered, ...