Keeping it Real
Hope and reality are not mutually exclusive. I think we live in a world where people may sometimes not want to face reality and sometimes don’t have any hope. I find great comfort in embracing both. Many things give me HOPE — God, my family, my friends, the mountains (especially Switzerland), and many more. The REALITY is that my time on earth is much more limited than I had ever hoped it would be at 52 years old. Swiss Alps, 2005 You’ve heard us praise Stanford, their care is top notch. As a cancer patient with a terminal illness, they provide so much more than medical care for me. I have regular appointments with social workers who help me (us) through this difficult journey. Our most recent was Monday morning. Their caring guidance is the impetus for this post. LMS is NOT curable. Statistically speaking, just 14% of people live 5 years after a stage 4 diagnosis. I have metastases to my lungs, skin in multiple areas, lymph nodes, and sinuses, that we know ...