Just the Facts

Hi all. Jim and I realized that we haven’t sent out an update in quite a while. There have been a few changes to my situation since the last one. First and foremost is that fact that we originally said that I didn’t really have many side effects with the current chemo regimen. Perhaps we jinxed it when we wrote that… Not long after we sent out that little nugget, it got hit with pretty bad fatigue. It’s daily, and some days are even worse than others. 

Fatigue, for the uninitiated, is not just a sense of tired. In my experience, it’s a full-body phenomenon. When the fatigue “hits” me, it’s like all of my muscles hit a wall and just have zero energy to give. I can be having a fairly decent morning, but when the fatigue comes, everything grinds to a halt. All I can do is sleep at that point. Some days, the fatigue waits until 11:00 am or so to kick in. Then I spend several hours asleep, or at the least, lying down because I can’t do anything else. Other days, I get so far as pouring a cup of coffee and the next thing I know, I’m walking up with coffee spilled all over myself…with no prior warning that the fatigue is coming. The rest of those days is usually spent in bed. 

As you can imagine, it’s nearly impossible to accomplish much due to the fatigue. The doctors have placed me on medical leave from work until the first week of October. We are actually going to revisit that return date soon. If the fatigue is still there, it will be hard to teach. Of course, there’s also the issue of me driving safely to and from work when I am so fatigued. So, for now, I am staying home. I’m not sure what will happen in October, but realistically, I will probably not be ready to return since the fatigue isn’t improving. 

I’ve also been dealing with quite a bit of nausea and dizziness. All of these are known side effects of my chemo, so it isn’t shocking that I’m experiencing them. I struggled to wrap my mind around all of the side effects because they didn’t begin right away. I had been on the current chemotherapy for a month before any of them became severe. 

The big question that I’m sure we are all asking is: does the chemo work? I have scans scheduled for the last week of September. If those show that the tumors are stable or shrinking, I will remain on the current chemotherapy. If there is tumor growth, the medical team may switch to the next chemo in their arsenal. As we understand it, what I am currently on is one of the friendlier chemos with the more easily tolerated side effects. If my current fatigue, dizziness and nausea are an indication of tolerable side effects, I hope I don’t have to find out what other chemos have to offer!! 

For now, I am just concentrating on one day at a time. One of the biggest struggles for me is fighting a feeling of uselessness. Normally I would be working during the day. I had a rough time, emotionally, when I didn’t return to work for the new school year. Thankfully, I have a fantastic counselor at Stanford who helped me see that I need to focus on rest and healing in order to return to work and be fully present for my students. You all know that I usually stink at “waiting” and “resting” though. To combat that, and still work within what the fatigue allows, I set a daily goal. Nothing earth shattering, some days it’s as simple as washing one load of laundry, but setting and completing the goal helps my mental health a lot.


  1. Sending it All your way! Taking care of yourself is the most important thing you can do

  2. Thank you so much for sharing your journey with us. I wish I could take away the fatigue for you my friend. Love you and prayers will continue

  3. Praying always. Love you and pray God’s special care on you.

  4. I’m sorry about the side effects. I love the goal setting. Work will always be there. You just rest and take it easy and focus on yourself and your health. I am always thinking about you friend. 💕

  5. Kristie, you have been and will be in our family’s prayers of your healing and remission in this🙌🏻we love and continually pray for you🤲🏼

  6. Continued prayers...love you.

  7. Love you! Sending you hugs💗Rest so your body can fight

  8. Praying for you

  9. You are always on my mind, thoughts, and prayers my friend. I truly miss you. Take care and rest.

  10. Daily prayers for you and yours. Love you ♥️

  11. Sending all our love and prayers for strength and improved energy. I think your daily goal idea is just right. 1 thing is plenty. You are an amazing and wonderful human Kristie and we are all holding you close to our hearts.

  12. I think about you often, Kristi! I know the staff misses you, but this your time to heal! Praying for you! Maari

  13. Dee and I understand the tired part though not as bad as yours. We wish we could be there for support for you two. We know you are surrounded with friends and family and the prayers of the saints.
    Love you guys!!!

  14. Praying for you and your loved ones. Praying even more that you won’t need to find out how your body responds to the next level in their arsenal! Sending all the good energy for an amazing weekend!


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