Round Two ... (ding)
Here We Go Again... Jim and I are sitting in registration waiting for “transport” to my home away from home for the week: St. Agnes Room 241 West. Chemo round 2 will begin sometime this afternoon or evening. Please keep us all in your prayers. This is a busy week in the Mulligan household. Adding multiple days of chemotherapy to the schedule makes for even more adventure. 😜. I probably overpacked again. I have books, puzzles, a Harry Potter coloring book and colored pencils (yes, honoring my inner fantasy nerd again) and numerous blogs to follow to keep myself entertained for the next few days. Chances are that I will probably sleep a lot and not get to much of it, but better to be prepared than not, right? I don’t really have much more to share right now. I hope you’re all doing well and enjoying what remains of this spring-like weather. PS: while I’ll probably lethargic and sleepy at times, I’ll also be bored out of my mind. Don’t hesitate to stop by or call anytime...