
Showing posts from April, 2024

Recent Scan Results

Well, the journey continues. I recently had a full body MRI and Jim and I were able to discuss the results with my sarcoma specialist a couple of days ago. The good news is that, while there has been some slight growth across all the tumors, most of those in my lungs have only grown slightly. The doc actually termed those tumors “fairly stable.” So, great news because lung mets are inherently dangerous, especially if they’re quickly growing.  Less fortunately, we learned that the tumors on my lower vertebrae are growing faster than desired. In an effort to slow or even shrink them, the doc is ordering radiation therapy. I have a consultation with the neurosurgeon and interventional radiology next week, after which the treatment will be scheduled. We are hopeful that it will only be one or two rounds, but that will be determined after more scans, of course.  In addition to the radiation, I will continue taking my daily chemotherapy tablets at home. At this point, the doc is alr...