More Mountains = More Climbing
It's been almost a year and a half since I had a Leiomyosarcoma removed from my inferior vena cava, a major blood vessel in my abdomen. Without going into every minute detail, the usual/general post operative protocol is to monitor and see how things go. The first few scans were unremarkable, and we enjoyed a great year with lots of travel and a 25-mile day hike across the Sierras. About six weeks ago I began having some symptoms that didn't subside and we decided to get in to see Dr. Lemon, my local oncologist. Given my history, an MRI was immediately ordered at Stanford. We learned that the scans showed several tumors in various locations. The doctors think they are probably metastases of the original tumor. This week I had a biopsy done on one of them to verify and provide a concrete diagnosis. The pathology report should be available by the middle of next week. Dr. Ganjoo, my Stanford oncologist, one of the World's leading experts on Leiomyosarcoma, will then...